1 Week into RTP Transformation System

Today marks the end of week 1 on the RTP Transformation System. I have enjoyed it immensely and have seen some good results this week. The next three weeks should almost mirror this one and for this reason I know I can increase the intensity. There were a couple of time during my training I knew the weight I was using was too heavy or too light. To heavy and you can’t get the desired reps out (this is not a strength training phase) and too light and you can get the reps out without the intensity required. While I have done extremely well with my nutrition, I will tweak it slightly for week 2. I will be adding a night time shake (just before bed) and a post-workout shake on weight training days.

Cumulative Compliance: 68/70
Cum. Compliance: 97.14%

~ by mikegroom on January 11, 2009.

4 Responses to “1 Week into RTP Transformation System”

  1. Well done, Mike, keep up this good work and have a great week # 2, Juli.

  2. awesomse work, Mike! I with you on the weight selections. we off to a great start! My muscles tell me so!

  3. It’s always hard starting on a new workout progam – but you’ll soon nail it…! Keep up the hard work!

  4. Great Stuff Mike, judging by your pics your really starting to get shredded!

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