Day 414: Day 43 of 53 – December 21st 2008

Day 414

Day 414

My Day

Decided against ESE. Eating was okay today, but not as clean as it could have been. I’ve sort of gone on the back burner with my nutrition for the past few days. This usually happens to around Christmas. However, I’m extremely pumped about my next 84 day mission which will be taking the RTP Transformation System through it’s paces. I’ve decided to take the nutrition plan for a test Monday and Tuesday of this coming week. I’ll prepare a low calorie day for Monday and a refeed day on Tuesday. I’ll let you know how it goes. As well as this, I’m going to do Day 1 and 2 of the training program Monday and Tuesday.

I will not be posting on my WordPress blog until next Sunday. I have decided to do weekly updates here and continue daily posting inside ShredderSphere 2.0. This is really in preparation for taking RTP System through, I can talk openly about the program while protecting Adam’s hard work. So, stay tuned for a weekly recap of what’s been going on in my world next Sunday.

~ by mikegroom on December 21, 2008.

3 Responses to “Day 414: Day 43 of 53 – December 21st 2008”

  1. Merry christmas Mike.

  2. What happened to posting here weekly? Since I am not a member of the other site where you post I have no way of keeping up with your progress any longer.

  3. Hey Mike! Just wanted to say hi and Happy New Year! 🙂

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